First Nations
Queensland's first nations - better together
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Connection and culture
There will never be a better moment to showcase the rich culture, heritage and achievements of Queensland’s Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islander people to the world than hosting Brisbane 2032. From the Dreamtime to podium time and beyond, the continuing connection of First Nations people to the land, water and community informs and inspires all Australians.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages and dialects used in Queensland today.
For the world to witness
Brisbane 2032 will provide a global platform to promote and advance Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities – the world’s oldest continuous cultures – through storytelling, arts, business opportunities, and sport.

Engaging First Nations people from city to coast to the outback.
Every step of the way
Brisbane 2032 Games Delivery Partners have ensured the active involvement of Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islander people from planning to delivering every stage of the Games. First Nations representatives also inform the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Legacy Committee.

Nurturing a lasting legacy for First Nations communities.
Benefits beyond the Games
Through consultation, engagement and cultural representation from across the state, Aboriginal communities and Torres Strait Islander communities will benefit from economic and social development opportunities resulting from hosting the Games. The Games provides an opportunity to strengthen the recognition of First Nations people in the global community.
Images courtesy of
Laura Quinkan Dance Festival and Tourism and Events Queensland; Scenic Rim Eat Local Week and Tourism and Events Queensland; Tourism and Events Queensland; Additional images from iStock.