
Business opportunities

The Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games will create a 20-year pipeline of opportunities and be a catalyst for Queensland businesses to develop and grow.

Once an Olympic and Paralympic city, always an Olympic and Paralympic city. The Games will provide significant opportunities that require lead-in time for businesses to prepare.

The Queensland Government uses public spending to drive economic, ethical, social, and environmental outcomes. The Buy Queensland approach underpins the Q2032 Procurement Strategy. This will ensure many Queensland businesses benefit from the Queensland Government’s investment in our state’s future.

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3 males in high-vis working on a solar panel farm


Know what you need to do to get on Team Queensland

Now is the time to build your business capability to maximise your opportunities to supply to government now and the Games.

Qualify for Team Queensland by thinking:

  • Locally – Games procurement will apply a local benefits approach
  • Sustainably – Games procurement will contribute to achieving the Queensland Government’s economy-wide emissions reduction targets of 30 per cent below 2005 levels by 2030 and net zero emissions by 2050.
  • Ethically – Games Suppliers will agree to ethical standards set out in the Queensland government Supplier Code of ConductSupplier Guide to Government Procurement | Business Queensland and Ethical Supplier Requirements | Business Queensland.
  • Diversely – Games Suppliers will be a diverse range of businesses, including small and medium enterprises (SMEs), Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander businesses, businesses owned or operated by people with disability, culturally and linguistically diverse suppliers and social enterprises.
  1. Develop a business capability statement that describes your value proposition by outlining the technical skills, competencies and experience that positions your business above others.
  2. Get tailored advice through programs such as Mentoring for Growth and ecoBiz.
  3. Strengthen your business networks by participating in industry networking events to promote your business and build new partnerships.
  4. Follow the steps to improve your tender approach.
  5. Identify skills gaps in how you tender for business and seek ways to address them such as requesting a supplier debriefing following an unsuccessful tender to identify future improvements.


Preparing and getting match fit

  1. Review Supply to Queensland Government | Business Queensland on the Business Queensland website.
  2. Create a business profile on QTenders to receive automatic notification of upcoming Queensland Government tender opportunities.
  3. Search the Queensland Government’s Forward Procurement Pipeline to identify future procurement opportunities.
  4. Check for Local Government procurement opportunities at LocalBuy, and Australian Government opportunities at Austender.
  5. Participate in business information sessions for advice and assistance on tendering for government.
Three women, including one with a prosthetic leg at Australian Age of Dinosaurs

Find out if your business is ready to tender and supply to government

Our 'Fit to supply' quiz will help you find out if your business is ready to develop and deliver tender contracts to the Queensland Government.

The quiz takes about 15 minutes and will provide a personalised report that highlights your business’ strengths and opportunities for further development.

Fit to supply quiz

Female in high-vis stands on a roof of solar panels


Enter the arena

Future opportunities

As we approach 2032, Games-related opportunities will become progressively available.

A forward pipeline of Games-related procurement opportunities, including the activities of the Brisbane 2032 Organising Committee, will be published in the future.

Find out more and read the Q2032 Procurement Strategy.

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